Monday Morning Memo!
Teachers have tremendous power to inspire and encourage students, to become strong role models, and to make a decisive difference in students’ lives. They also have the power to alienate students. (Spitalli, 2004)
Thoughtful teachers typically have two overall goals. One is to provide a productive climate for student learning and for academic achievement. The second is to foster student satisfaction with schooling. Both are critical aspects of a suitable classroom atmosphere. (Brainard, 2001)
As we work towards Spring here at school, I wanted to take a moment to revisit the issue of student discipline and classroom management in our schools. First off, in each of your schools I've seen that this an ongoing point of emphasis through-out the first half of the year. Obviously, we will never eliminate student behavior indiscretions at the middle school level. However, we must continue to insist that all students adhere to conduct expectations each and every day while at school.
Let’s all keep in mind some classroom management basics as we head down the road towards Spring Break. Like most dedicated teachers, I firmly believe that engaging and challenging instruction is the best deterrent to misbehavior. Even our students will tell us that they do not misbehave when the work provided is challenging and interesting. I had one student in my office last year and I asked him, “So, why are you disrupting this class and not disrupting 4th period?” He replied very simply, “Well, we do stuff in that class.”
Students also behave better when there is a classroom routine that everyone follows consistently. A well-planned, well-paced lesson will give students little time for disruptive behavior. Plan activities in smaller blocks of time. Set clear limits for your students. Decide what constitutes unacceptable behavior and adhere to these expectations firmly, fairly, and in a friendly manner. Be consistent in enforcing consequences and communicate regularly with parents regarding their child’s behavior. Avoid reacting with anger to student misbehavior. Todd Whitaker (2004) offers advice to never argue, never yell, and never use sarcasm in dealing with a middle school student or any other student for that matter.
Remember that student misbehavior generally has some underlying reason. Try to identify and address the cause for the behavior. This lets students know you care for them and gives them a chance to explain and improve their actions. Phone calls are highly effective and help so that a teacher doesn’t lose their “big gun” or their “thunder” and only uses DRs when absolutely needed. No one—including students themselves—likes classrooms that are characterized by disruptive behavior. Needless to say, such classrooms are also characterized by low-achieving students. Our students are blessed in that they receive quality instruction on a daily basis in safe and orderly classrooms.
I came across a survey over the holidays that I thought might be an effective way for us to reflect on our individual and collective discipline practices. You might respond with a 1–4 ranking, with 4 indicating “almost always,” 3 indicating “frequently,” 2 indicating “occasionally,” and 1 indicating “almost never.” I predict that our teachers will respond with primarily 3s and 4s; thanks again for taking the time to make classroom management an ongoing point of emphasis.
- I am friendly but firm with my students.
- I treat each student with kindness and respect.
- When a student or students act inappropriately, I remain calm and composed.
- I display enthusiasm and a sense of humor with my students.
- During each passing period between classes, I am at the doorway/in the hallway to greet and chat with students.
- I insist that students treat me with dignity and respect.
- I interact with all students, not just a few.
- I give my students a pleasing greeting each day and wish them a pleasant weekend.
- During each passing period between classes, I am at the doorway so I can supervise both the hallway and my classroom.
- So that I know what is going on in my classroom, I generally spend my class time on my feet.
- I expect students to listen attentively when another student or I am talking.
- When I correct student misbehavior, I communicate in a private, positive, and respectful manner.
- I admit that at times student misbehavior is a result of something that was my fault.
- I am able to motivate my students, including the reluctant learner.
- I carefully plan each lesson so that there is no “dead time.”
- I provide guided or independent practice during which I move about the room offering individual or small-group assistance.
- During each class period, I provide a variety of learning activities. Rarely do I use an entire period for a single activity, as students need a change of pace.
- I adjust my daily lesson planning to take into account my students’ span of attention.
- I think through discipline decisions before acting.
- I make only those discipline decisions that I can enforce.
- I make discipline decisions after the “heat of the moment” has passed.
- When a student misbehaves in class, I find a way to correct the behavior privately, perhaps by moving near the student and whispering a correction.
- While I take attendance or perform other necessary tasks, often at the outset of each class session, my students are working independently, perhaps on a brief assignment or problem on the over-head or board.
- I establish time-saving routines for collecting papers and distributing materials or supplies.
- My directions for a learning activity are brief and concise.
- I give directions one step at a time. I avoid long and detailed directions.
- I show sincere enthusiasm for the subjects I teach.
- I provide a neat classroom that gives students the idea of orderliness.
- I present a professional appearance in the classroom.
- I insist that my students maintain high standards in their work and behavior. In both areas, my standards are realistic and attainable.
- Because there is no “best” teaching method, my methods and learning activities are many and varied.
- My homework assignments have a purpose, are instructional, and are regulated as to the time it will take a student to complete the assignment.
- I make my classroom attractive by having effective bulletin boards related to the topics being studied at the particular time.
- During each class session, I summarize, or have students summarize, the day’s learning.
- I use pretests or other procedures to ascertain what students already know.
Thank you for taking the time to informally self-assess your practices that affect student behavior; I hope this exercise reminds us of how best to manage the learning environment so that student misbehavior is kept to a minimum.
Have an awesome week!
Credit to J. Zoul for assistance in this post.
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